There are certain things in life to get right and with a few words we can help. Let us assist you to send a message that portrays life as it should be.
In times of need we represent you when it counts. Anniversary-Weddings-Obituary or just Mingling.
Special words that are all about here and now – or- If dramatization is what you crave then we can deliver. Want flowers taken to your loved ones resting place daily, weekly, monthly or yearly we can help. If all you need is a quick errand let us help.
We also can say a few words at a” loved ones” funeral to provide closure at your time of need. Our services go far and beyond just writing an obituary. We understand that life has its challenges and we are here to help.
You want to say a few words at your friends’ special occasion but can’t quite find that perfect speech. Let our words inspire you? Or if you prefer for us to drop by/in to express your words in person then let us help.
Let us be your guest to get a stuffy party going and we also work incognito.
You are our priority.
Last minute errand for your special event we can help. Want us to work incognito we can.
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Bushel of Flowers
Special Day
You still remember that special day. Let us go out to your loved ones resting place and deliver a special bushel of flowers.
Light up a Memory
We can place a rose at your loved ones resting place: daily, weekly, monthly, special occasions or just once.
Meaningful Words
Let's Keep you Smiling
We can express those words for you. Special occasions, holidays, celebrations or just because.
Wedding Officiant
Our Gallery

How can we help?
Take the first step in clearing a few minutes or hours from your busy schedule. Let us run those errands.